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 Here it is possible to read about researches of known and li

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Here it is possible to read about researches of known and li Empty
MessageSujet: Here it is possible to read about researches of known and li   Here it is possible to read about researches of known and li EmptyJeu 1 Juil - 22:52

Here it is possible to read about researches of known and little-known naturalists. And also to learn, how these researches have affected on
Modern representations about the nature, fauna, interrelations of the nature and the person. As these researches are used in medicine
And in manufacture of pharmaceutical and veterinary production.
To receive representation how some animals and insects transfer pathogenic microorganisms.
To learn about productions and the technological documentation used by manufacture pharmaceutical and veterinary
Preparations and the necessary equipment.
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Here it is possible to read about researches of known and li
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